Channeling with Metatron Helps You Level Up
Transformative, Enlightening, and Awakening
Addison Ames is a channel for Metatron, an ultra-dimensional being specialized in spiritual development. Metatron is the perfect guide to lead you on your spiritual journey, providing you with inspiring, challenging, and motivating teachings that will lead you to greater personal growth and fulfillment. If you’re looking for high-dimensional knowledge and insights, game-changing guidance, and a sharper sense of purpose in life, then working with Metatron can be beneficial.
For the best outcomes, longer sessions are recommended. Channeling with Metatron Sessions are one hour, $399.99; one hour 30-minutes, $499.99; or two hours, $599.99. Working with Metatron over the long term can provide a profound impact. Value bundles of three to 12 sessions, discounted by 20%, are available. If you would like to get started with Channeling with Metatron Sessions and have some questions, please schedule a 15-minute free Discovery Call with Addison.
For a deeper experience with Metatron, please visit the Courses with Metatron page.
Watch Metatron Live
Addison Ames talks with Alex Ferrari of the Next Level Soul Podcast and channels Metatron who talks about shifts happening on the world stage. Metatron also talks about a range of transformative, enlightening, and awakening topics.
Jeremy, Psychologist, Munich, Germany
"Working with Addison and Metatron was truly life-changing. Their insights brought clarity to my soul’s journey and my current lifetime in ways I never expected. The energy and knowledge that they shared were profound and unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Their ability to communicate high-level ideas with great clarity and love made everything so accessible, filling our time together with powerful moments and deep understandings. I walked away feeling inspired, uplifted, and forever grateful for the wisdom and connection they provided.”
Anne, Healer and Teacher, Sydney, Australia
“Metatron is bold and enlightening, opening your eyes to new truths and ideas about you and existence.”
Kimberly, High Performance Coach, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“My sessions with Addison were more than I could have hoped for. I loved them, and they were truly inspirational. I feel so much clearer and more connected to my truth and to the truth of who I am. I know my humanness has benefited from these sessions. I am deeply changed and grateful to have had the privilege of working with Addison. I highly recommend working with him.”
Who Is Metatron?
Metatron is an ultra-dimensional being specialized in spiritual development. Metatron is sometimes known as an Archangel. He calls himself a “fixer,” because his role is to grease the wheels of existence to make sure creation works in alignment, plan, and purpose.
For the individual, Metatron can be very helpful with spiritual development pathing, transformation, and personal growth. Working with Metatron can greatly benefit you if you are interested in high knowledge, wisdom, deep insights, and transformative thought.
In channeling experiences with Metatron, he generally talks and teaches for a while, takes questions from the participants, and guides the conversation based on their specific life journeys and needs. Metatron is bold, insightful, enjoyable, and full of character. These are highly interactive engagements that can provide life-changing benefits.
Addison Ames On How To Prepare for Channeling with Metatron
Before your work with Metatron, take some time to think about what you would like to discuss or ask about yourself or existence. Set aside an hour or two for this exercise and don't rush yourself. Write down your goals for the time together and identify three to five key questions. Also, bring a notebook and be prepared to take notes. This preparation will enhance your experience with Metatron and ensure the greatest value.